
Friday, February 02, 2007

what am i listening to...

here's the artists/tracks that have been rocking my boat lately...

  1. Peter, Bjorn & John - understated arrangements, killer melodies, unique vocals and intense rythmics. a must hear... especially the track "young folks"
  2. The Knife - this artist's tracks have been playing in my ipod for a couple of years now but their latest effort "silent shout" is a gem of post-techno beats layered with all sorts of other analog or synthesized instruments. the unique vocal approach of karen dreijer as well as her sometimes tortured lyrics are the perfect amalgam for my lil' ol' ears. also worth a listen is jose gonzales' cover version of the knife's heartbeats which can be heard in the amazing sony bravia ad with all the colored superballs (180 sec. extended version)
  3. The Shins - their new album is a real melodic accomplishment. the videoclip for the track phantom limb is for sure one of the best i've seen in a while and the track is nothing short than stellar... great vocal harmonies, very well produced. subpop definately hit one out of the park on this one. (see the video below)



Anonymous said...

Osti Jules!
J'ai entendu The Shins hier à CISM et je me suis dit: "Mais, c'est bon, il faudrait que j'aille me downoladé ça!"
J'arrive ici, que vois-je?
Jules qui plogue The Shins...
Je suis si près du but!

Jules said...

avoir su je te les aurais fais connaître avant... je les écoute depuis un bon bout... depuis le soundtrack de garden state à vrai dire.

Jules said...

tu downloads toi?

Anonymous said...

Comme tout le monde, non?

Jules said...

je ne ferais jamais ça moi! pfff ;)